Living with intention brings clarity and purpose to every moment, so we’ve gathered all the best intention quotes for your next post.
And if you’re looking for inspiring and meaningful sayings to motivate mindful living, we also have you covered.
Now go ahead and browse through to find your favorite.
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Our Favorite Intentions Quotes

“We judge ourselves by our intentions. And others by their actions.” — Stephen Covey
“Sometimes people do what they think is for the best, and their intentions are misinterpreted.” — Theresa Breslin
“Our intention creates our reality.” — Wayne Dyer
“It is intent which establishes one’s consequential outcomes.” — T.F. Hodge
“A purpose, an intention, a design, strikes everywhere even the careless, the most stupid thinker.” — David Hume
“Every action or perceived inaction shapes credibility.” — Mindy Hall
“Hell is paved with good intentions, not with bad ones. All men mean well.” — George Bernard Shaw
“Good intentions are not enough. They’ve never put an onion in the soup yet.” — Sonya Levien
“Good intentions never change anything. They only become a deeper and deeper rut.” — Joyce Meyer
“As long as your intentions are solid and about growth and progression and being productive and not being idle, then you’re doing good in my book.” — Frank Ocean
“A good intention is like the seed of a tree whose fruit we do not know.” — George Bernard Shaw
“Choose your intention carefully and then practice holding your consciousness to it, so it becomes the guiding light in your life.” — John Roger
“Good intentions are very mortal and perishable things. Like very mellow and choice fruit, they are difficult to keep.” — Charles Simmons
“Good intentions are invariably ungrammatical.” — Oscar Wilde
“Intention involves such a small fragment of our consciousness and of our mind and of our life.” — Jasper Johns
“Good intentions are useless until they are expressed in appropriate action!” — Napoleon Hill
“Good intentions are only lies the weak tell themselves.” — R.L. LaFevers
“Good intentions are not enough; commitment and sacrifice are necessary.” — Laurence Boldt
“A good intention, with a bad approach, often leads to a poor result.” — Thomas A. Edison
“Good intentions are not an excuse for maladministration of this magnitude.” — Jean Chretien
“Good intentions are simply not enough. Our character is defined and our lives are determined not by what we want, say or think, but by what we do.” — Michael Josephson
“The power of your intentions has a greater impact on your life than your actions.” — Debasish Mridha
“Intentions of a man reflect in his actions.” — Sukant Ratnakar
“Once your intentions are real and wise, helpful and positive, keep going forward. Never ever give up!” — Israelmore Ayivor
“Although actions may speak louder than words, it is our intentions that reveal our soul.” — Hal Elrod
“The intention that man should be happy is not in the plan of Creation.” — Sigmund Freud
“We know there is intention and purpose in the universe, because there is intention and purpose in us.” — George Bernard Shaw
“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“Among the many arguments to be made against cultural revolutions is that they are monotonous in spirit and monomaniacal in intention.” — Howard Jacobson
“Powerful words come with powerful intent. Where you have passion, strength, courage, and determination you can accomplish anything!” — K.L Toth
“When a crowd rushes into your house without declaring its intention, it is, by definition, an invasion.” — Viktor Orban
“Choose your intention carefully and then practice holding your consciousness to it, so it becomes the guiding light in your life.” — Roger Delano Hinkins
“A glint of intention initiates the process of creation.” — Debasish Mridha
“Every action has an impact, choose wisely the impact you want to have.” — Mindy Hall
“However glorious an action in itself, it ought not to pass for great if it be not the effect of wisdom and intention.” — Francois de la Rochefoucauld
“Intentionality fuels the master’s journey. Every master is a master of vision.” — George Leonard
“Intention is the core of all conscious life. Conscious intention colors and moves everything.” — Hsing Yun
“Intention is an echo of a previous intent.” — R. A. Delmonico
“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” — Peter Drucker
“The effect of dominance is not always the result of an intention to dominate.” — Deborah Tannen
“Each decision we make, each action we take, is born out of an intention.” — Sharon Salzberg
“The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another.” — James M. Barrie
“A good intention clothes itself with power.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Honor thy error as a hidden intention.” — Brian Eno
“A man’s intentions should be allowed in some respects to plead for his actions.” — George Washington
“Only good intentions may not always translate into good results.” — Girdhar Joshi
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, everything essential is invisible to the eye.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“When your intention is clear, so is the way.” — Alan Cohen
“When your intentions are pure, so too will be your success.” — Charles F. Glassman
“We call an intention good which is right in itself, but the action is good, not because it contains within it some good, but because it issues from a good intention.” — Peter Abelard
“The intention to live as long as possible isn’t one of the mind’s best intentions, because quantity isn’t the same as quality.” — Deepak Chopra
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” — Khalil Gibran
“Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.” — Brenna Yovanoff
“It is more important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.” — Ilyas Kassam
“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.” — John Burroughs
“Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” — Bryant McGill
“The great things you intend to do some time must have a beginning if they are ever to be done, so begin something worthwhile today.” — Grenville Kleiser
“A good intention feeds no one.” — Bobby Darnell
“Where we go is not determined by where we want to go.” — Marty Rubin
“Good intention brings success in everything you do. Intention is always supported by the universal energy because it’s a vital ingredient for manifestation.” — Hina Ahmad Hashmi
“All that counts in life is intention.” — Andrea Bocelli
“When you say you agree to a thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.” — Otto von Bismarck
“It is only those that live intentionally that can accomplish and come to the significance meant for them.” — Sunday Adelaja
“A good intention clothes itself with sudden power. When a god wishes to ride, any chip or pebble will bud and shoot out winged feet, and serve him for a horse.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.” — Deepak Chopra
“All great acts are ruled by intention. What you mean is what you get.” — Brenna Yovanoff
“People driven by intention are described as having a strong will that won’t permit anything to interfere with achieving their inner desire.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
“If you’re one of those people with a never-give-up attitude combined with an internal picture that propels you toward fulfilling your dreams, you fit this description of someone with intention.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
“Someone with intention, you are most likely a super-achiever and probably proud of your ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that arise.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
“Activating your power of intention is a process of connecting with your natural self and letting go of total ego identification.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
“Live with intention, walk to the edge, listen hard, practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn, appreciate friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” — Mary Anne Radmacher
“Explore what it might mean to live each day with intention—to figure out what counts for us, what will make our lives richer.” — Mary Anne Radmacher
“Step into this world of intentional living, moment by moment. You won’t ever want to leave it.” — Mary Anne Radmacher
“Staying connected to the core intentions of my life allows me to feel and be satisfied at the end of each day.” — Mary Anne Radmacher
“The intentions you hold define your days and your life.” — Mary Anne Radmacher
“Prayer is a form of intention; however, there is a difference between begging for something and stating your own worth as the receiver of an answered prayer.” — Paul Selig
“Every experience, and every change in your experience, reflects an intention. An intention is not only a desire. It is the use of your will.” — Gary Zukav
“If you truly desire to change your relationship, that change begins with the intention to change it. How it will change depends upon the intention that you set.” — Gary Zukav
“Intentions shape light. They set light into motion. Each intention—anger, greed, jealousy, compassion, understanding—sets energy into motion, sets patterns of light into motion.” — Gary Zukav
“The reality of each individual is created by his or her intentions and intentions of others. Your intentions create the reality that you experience.” — Gary Zukav
“By choosing intentions that come from love instead of intentions that come from fear, you create joyful karma instead of painful karma.” — Gary Zukav
“All of us are seeking the same thing. We share the desire to fulfill the highest, truest expression of ourselves as human beings.” — Oprah
“Your spirit is the part of you that is seeking meaning and purpose. That’s one way someone can relate to that. Another way to understand spirit is that it’s the part of you that is drawn to hope, that will not give in to despair. The part of you that has to believe in goodness; that has to believe in something more.” — Caroline Myss
“Everyone has bad days when happiness feels out of reach. And sure, you can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you react to it.” — Julia Dellitt
“Everyday is an opportunity to shift your mindset to a happier, more positive place.” — Julia Dellitt
“Holding nothing back means holding the intention to be an open vessel, in a daily way.” — Mark Nepo
“Breathe evenly, and let your breath blow the intention and regret far enough that you can see them clearly.” — Mark Nepo
“Take a chance now and live life like you’ve always wanted. Envision yourself throwing off the fetters of fears, and calling unto the glory that is yours by right of birth.” — Tony Burroughs
“The intenders of the highest good understand that the exactness of our words counts.” — Tony Burroughs
“But it’s not their intentions that matter; it’s their capabilities.” — Ted Turner
“When you say you agree to a thing in principle, you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.” — Otto von Bismarck
“For some intentions, you may not be sure what you can do to make them happen. That’s okay. Just having intention is the first, and most important step.” — Mallika Chopra
“Intentions are what you want deep down inside and include: who you want to be, who you want to be around, how you want to feel and how you want to be treated.” — Mallika Chopra
“When we take notice of our intentions and take control of our intentions, we create a more harmonious and satisfying experience for ourselves and others.” — Dianne Martin
“Each intention is based on love—or isn’t. Either we live and cultivate an environment based on love—or we don’t.” — Dianne Martin
“And true growth is always at the spiritual level, not the material level—so the intentions are often connected to spirituality.” — Dianne Martin
“Take notice of your intentions and you will bring more love and a harmonious, productive environment for yourself and for those around you.” — Dianne Martin
“Holding your intention clearly in your mind, step into your bath and savor the sensations of it. Really enjoy it.” — Lune Innate
“Set an intention to be aware of your emotional state, and acknowledge that your feelings will come up as a means of your subconscious mind communicating with your conscious mind.” — Lune Innate
“Good intentions, like good eggs, soon spoil unless they are hatched.” — Evan Esar
“The hardest task of a girl’s life is to prove to a man that his intentions are really serious.” — Evan Esar
“A person is hard up indeed who cannot get credit even for good intentions.” — Evan Esar
“A girl doesn’t have to watch the speedometer to know what her boyfriend is driving at.” — Evan Esar
“The path to success is not paved with good intentions, but with good intentions that are carried out.” — Evan Esar
“Many people have good intentions, but just can’t seem to overcome the negative thought patterns that overtake them and hold them back.” — James Frey
“Ideas, imagination and good intentions are necessary but without action, they are nothing.” — James Frey
Intension Sayings
“Intentions are the seeds we plant today for a garden of tomorrow.”
“Let your intentions illuminate your path; clarity breeds purpose.”
“Craft your intentions like an artist; each stroke shapes the canvas of your life.”
“Intentions are whispers of the heart, guiding us through the noise of the world.”
“Dare to dream with intention; for a vision without action is merely a wish.”
“In the realm of intentions, authenticity is the most powerful currency.”
“Intentions, when infused with passion, become unstoppable forces of change.”
“Every intention is a promise to yourself; honor it with action.”
“The beauty of intentions lies not in their perfection but in their authenticity.”
“Align your intentions with your values, and watch as your life transforms.”
Additional Intention Sayings
“Intentions are the compass guiding us toward our true north.”
“With each intention, we draft the blueprint of our future.”
“An intention set is a destination chosen; navigate with purpose.”
“The energy of shapes the reality you experience.”
“Every intention is a step on the journey of self-discovery.”
“In the dance of life, let your intentions lead the way.”
“Intentions are the heart’s way of whispering to the universe.”
“The power of intention fuels our dreams and ignites our passions.”
“Let your intentions resonate like ripples on a still pond, spreading positivity.”
“Intentions act as the foundation; they support the structure of our actions.”
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